Absolut Pandemonium

So anyway, I've been a little slack here at the blog, and in my correspondence. I've also been trying to push to the back of my mind a scheme that has been bubbling up lately, inspired by some unrelated, but contemporaneous, posts on various blogs of our mutual acquaintance.
In broad strokes, I'm talking about conversation, recreation and al fresco gustation. In other words, an old-fashioned, wood-burning, mosquito-slapping cookout/campout, sometime this summer, somewhere on the Cleveburg/NoVa axis. (Ohiopyle State Park in PA has nice facilities, rafting, fishing, swimming and tubing, and tours of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater, just to pose one possible location.)
Folding chairs, adult beverages, campfire cooking, tons o' fun for the whole fam damily! Any interest?
Oh, my. Those puppies! Honestly, there's just nothing cuter than a puppy. Congrats, Roxtar!
The camp-out sounds like a hoot. If I start walking now, I might make it by mid-summer...
Wren, at 7:08 PM
I love Ohiopyle. If time & money permit, I may be interested! The Laurel Highlands is among the most beautiful terrain I've ever seen.
Boldly Serving Up Wheat Grass, at 10:54 PM
Yes, a great idea. Not sure I can do it but will add it to the list of potential summer events. Like an expected eclipse, or somthing.
Kevin Wolf, at 12:26 PM
if only California weren't so far away... have fun on your camp-out!
The Ambiguous Blob, at 12:48 PM
You bring back memories of my Lab, Bruno. He was a very special pup and a\n exceptional friend.
Unknown, at 3:00 PM
Yee Haw!
Moderator, at 2:30 PM
My 2nd Ex recently got a "tiny" little lab pup from the APL for my s-daughter. Oy vey! I'm not superstitious but I'm sure as hekk crossin' my fingers that the ever growing and Exuberant "little" thing doesn't destroy their home.
I can't afford to keep payin' for her "emergency needs". {sighhh}
West Pennsyltuckyhio is Beautiful country for camping, indeed!
Sounds like a snarkin' good time.
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