The surge. Another great idea from Bushco!
Y'see, I'll jes' surge into the nice, soft water.

You go up the ramp...we call it "ramping up"...and then you surge to a graceful landing...Mission Accomplished!

Jes' squeeze down a leetle with your teeth for a surge of delicious amphibian flavor!

It's a surge of energy that you only get from a power plant fired with genuine Iraqi oil!

And then, once you get the fucker twisted off, just surge it up your ass! Hey, Dick! How about a little help here?

The surge! Bushco tested, (Gold Star)Mother approved!
Very helpful. I hope he references this in tonight's speech.
Moderator, at 3:18 PM
Wow, that email made it around the world in record time. I picked one & posted it on my blog yesterday as well. -PH
Boldly Serving Up Wheat Grass, at 3:51 PM
Actually, I got it last March, but I saw your post and was inspired.
Anonymous, at 5:52 PM
Carnacki, at 11:55 PM
aw, this is so great!
The Ambiguous Blob, at 1:30 PM
Wonderful post, even though I believe I can do without any surges.
Unknown, at 5:47 PM
Very droll, Roxy. Produces the same cringe with each photo that Bush's war escalation does, except he evokes an added frisson of anger and sorrow. And with a child, one can shout "NO!", hopefully in time to stop the impending disaster. With Bush ... (sigh).
Wren, at 10:00 AM
Hey, where is the painting of the little boy at the top of the hill from ?
Unknown, at 5:47 AM
That last picture of the boy and the head is too cool.
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